Posts Tagged ‘scrapbook layout’

Sunday Sketch

March 15, 2009

Welcome to a new week!  Did you pick up some great deals at the garage sale?  I sure did, I can’t wait to put them to use.

Here’s the sketch, it’s another one that leaves lots of room to show off pretty paper.sketch-31509

Speaking of pretty paper, I decided to use some of the new botanical prints from Webster’s Pages…Oh So Pretty!

nanaHave a great week!

Sunday Sketch

February 15, 2009

Welcome to a new week, I hope you are one of the lucky ones with a long weekend and have some time to get in some extra scrapping time.  Here’s the sketch for this weeksketch21509

the cooler weather this week had me thinking back to the warmed summer days so I decided to scrap photos from one of those days.


Happy Crafting!

Sunday Sketch

February 8, 2009

Why do the weekends seem to go faster than any other days?  It was great to see so many people at the frenzy yesterday, hopefully you had time to finish the great projects by writing your words of love in your valentines.  I decided to change things up just a bit in sketch land this week and do a sketch for an 8.5×11 landscape page.


I like to work with this size when I have a single photo and journaling that I want to focus on.  Once the main page is done I find a coordinating paper and mount the page so it becomes a 12×12 page that matches the other layouts in my album.


Have a wonderful week! 

Happy crafting!

Sunday Sketch

February 1, 2009

Welcome to a new week and a new month…did your January fly by like mine did? This week’s is perfect for just about any topic…birthdays, holidays even superbowl parties.   sketch2109


Rachel gave you a sneak peek at the new Twitterpated line from Imaginisce.  Here it is in action.  The colors are so cheerful, but the best part — they all have some varnish to add extra sparkle and shine to your pages.  You know how I love sparkle. Too bad it doesn’t photograph well (more likely it’s my photoraphy skills) that prevent you from seeing how great it is, you’ll just have to come in the store to see and feel for yourself. I’ve already gone back for seconds and it’s only been in the store for a week.partygirl

Happy crafting!

Sunday Sketch

June 1, 2008

Welcome to a new week, I thought it would be nice to do a sketch of a 2 page layout with space for several photos.  This would be perfect for all of the end of school events or summer barbeques.

I used it to scrap some photos of a day with friends…did you ever wonder what the Scrapbook Destination girls do when we’re not at the store?  Here’s a clue…

Do you recognize the flower petals in this layout?  Here’s a closer view…

It’s actually the surf boards from Scenic Route’s Grafton line, they make a great flower too.

Hope everyone has a great week!